Science meets art at the Postgraduate Research Day 2017
Exhibition Reflections on Light
Radio interview with Tim Modise
On the 26th of October 2017 the University of KwaZulu-Natal hosted the event Science-Inspired Art at Postgraduate Research Day. This exhibition showcased artworks produced during a two month collaboration between artist and researchers from the University of Kwazulu-Natal. Below are some of the works exhibited.
Anguilla Mossambica Inkanyamba
Eloff Pretorius and Céline Hanzen
Siege Under the Cover of Skin
Paul Awolade, Caroline Birch and Sphelele Nzimande
Labby’s Quest
Simone Beneke, Shannon Bennetts and Kristoffer Modig
Swarm Intelligence
Amy Rouillard, Shannon Bennetts and Kelvin Mpofu
Time Machine
Perfect Privilege Chifoto and Thomas Konrad
Ethambutol as a TB Drug
Ayom Eric Gwaza and Sphelele Nzimande
Co-curated by Prof Thomas Konrad and artSPACE in Durban this exhibition feature artworks that were the result of collaborations between artist and scientists. At the top of this page is a painting by Pamela Benporath from this exhibition. Read more here and here.
Reflection on Light
Pamela Benporath
Reflection on Light
Pamela Benporath
Live Interview on Power FM Breakfast Show (22 September 2015) of Prof Konrad about an experiment to put a microbe into a superposition of being at two places at the same time. Read furter here or listen below.