Anirudh Reddy
Anirudh Reddy
Education: I did my bachelors in Aeronautical Engineering from Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad. Then shifted to physics for my PhD, for which I worked at Raman Research Institute, Bangalore.
Research: For my PhD I worked on aspects of quantum and classical cloning and measurement of quantum states exploring coarse-grained measurements and distinguishing two quantum states.
Currently I am working under Prof. Thomas Konrad as a postdoctoral scholar. At UKZN I will be working on two different problems. One is open-loop quantum control using continuous weak measurement, which leaves the quantum state with as small disturbance as possible. I will be looking at what is the smallest ancilla required and explore the connection with quantum error connection. Another is quantum teleportation using bright laser light in multi-mode squeezed stated generated using parametric down conversion. Google scholar
Shamik Maharaj
Shamik Maharaj
My main area of interest is quantum foundations. I am currently completing a PhD in quantum measurement theory with a particular focus on state preparation of single qubits using continuous measurement models. I am also investigating the validity of non-quantized gravitational models using measurement based feedback.
Tanita Permaul
Tanita Permaul
I am a Physics Masters student at UKZN. My Honours research project is about quantum teleportation using nonlinear optical process.
Helarie Medie Fah
Helarie Medie Fah
Under the supervision of prof Thomas Konrad, I am currently persuing a Phd in Physics focusing on Solving Optimization Problems by means of Quantum Computers. I have a master degree in condensed matter physics from the university of Dschang cameroon and a master in mathematical science from AIMS South Africa.
Siphesihle Majozi
Siphesihle Majozi
My research is focused on the development of verification and validation schemes for quantum communications systems, more specifically, the verification and validation of quantum key distribution. Verification asks “was the thing built right” while validation addresses the question of whether “the right thing was built”, i.e. whether a device serves the purpose it was built for.
The successful development of such schemes for quantum key distribution (QKD) devices would enable the creation of efficient and effective private cryptographic keys (given by bitstrings) or quantum teleportation devices that communicate a quantum state from a sender system to a receiver system.
Akshay Durgapersadh
Akshay Durgapersadh
I have always wanted to be a scientist and push the boundaries of knowledge. I aspire to produce good work and create/discover something new. I have recently completed my Honours degree at UKZN and I am currently doing research in Quantum optics for my Master's degree.
Yastheer Bauchoo
Yastheer Bauchoo
I was always curious about nature and how things worked, which lead me to pursue Quantum Mechanics in university. I have my Bachelor of Science degree with majors in Applied Mathematics and Physics. I also have my Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Physics. My honours research project focused on stochastic calculus and continuous measurement. I am currently a masters student and my current research focuses on Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Control.
Amy Rouillard
Amy Rouillard
I am currently completing a Masters in Physics. The focus of my Masters reseach will be on quantum control. I have also participated in various projects for the group since 2017 including Science-Inspired Art at the Postgraduate Research Day.